onsdag 25. mai 2011
søndag 15. mai 2011
søndag 8. mai 2011
08.05.11 fototur i Aboretet - Photowalkin in aboretet.
I dag tok jeg meg en tur i aboretet i to timer, og tok masse bilder, var mye vind, så mange blomster som ikke stod stille. Så ble ikke mange bildene jeg ble fornøyd med, som ble klare, men her er noen som ikke ble så gale. Har probemer med å få klare bilder for tiden, i alle fall om jeg skal ha hele bildet klart, må kanskje ha større blender?? Øve øve.
Today I was walking in Aboret for two hours, before people started to come there. It was a lot of wind, so the flowers wasn't standing still. Most of the pictures was a bit blury, so here is the best I took today.
Today I was walking in Aboret for two hours, before people started to come there. It was a lot of wind, so the flowers wasn't standing still. Most of the pictures was a bit blury, so here is the best I took today.
en svær hvitveis
Tsja, hva dette er vet jeg ikke.
What's this, I don't know.
Disse fant jeg på stranden, noen som hadde lagt de på en stein.
Thees I found at the little beach.
Tulipaner - Tulips
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